
by | May 9, 2023 | From the CEO

woman smiling, wearing glasses and a suit

Ann Hutchison


For questions and comments on this blog, please email Ann at [email protected]


by | May 9, 2023 | From the CEO

Northern Colorado is among the most spectacular locales for starting a business, raising a family, and developing personal relationships that sustain us in myriad ways.  We are truly fortunate in being able to share in the prosperity that emanates from such an inspirational setting.  Should there be any wonder why others are attracted to our region, just as so many have before us?  Rather than cloaking our treasure in protectionism, we have been entrusted with the obligation to assure future generations equal, if not better, opportunity for prosperity.

This requires a shared commitment to regional dialogue, planning, and investment.  No one community defines Northern Colorado.  Natural resources and economic activity do not recognize political boundaries.  As such, we must accept some level of humility in pursuing policies that celebrate the diversity of interests and expressions of our collective Northern Colorado community.  In a word, regionalism.

Regionalism is a process rather than a metric.  It requires trust that is gained from a shared commitment to mutual prosperity.  It is built upon the deeds that follow words.  Leaders are important, rulers are not.  The concept of regionalism is peppered throughout various public decrees and policy documents.  But if these are the principles that guide us as a community, why are our local elected officials pursuing the opposite?

Our City Council is threatening [1041 Powers & Water Adequacy] the water providers that not only serve residents of Fort Collins, but thousands of households and businesses across the region.  Forget for a moment these water providers were created in the wake of anti-growth policies the City championed 70 years ago. It appears that our leaders feel an obligation to assert control over outside entities without considering the interests of those they serve. By its own admission, the more troubling aspect of these policy initiatives is the lack of technical and administrative capacity of City staff to effectively deliver upon the promises of our elected officials.

Effectively, we the people are pursuing policies that would have our region defined by outside consultants that both the City and providers will need to engage in virtually every water and wastewater project going forward.  Again, forget for a moment such projects are already subject to extensive federal, state, and local regulations.

Join us in raising a voice to the ideals of cooperation, collaboration, and commitment to delivering a vibrant, inclusive community to those who follow.

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