How to Help Your Company Win the Talent War

Sep 24, 2019 | Business & Economy, Business-Friendly Environment, Economy, Talent

Work in Northern Colorado (aka Talent 2.0) is a major initiative of the Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce.

In broad terms, it is focused on three major things: putting tools in the hands of human resource staff and recruiters to help with their talent recruitment efforts; creating future talent pipelines; and building an effective, collaborative workforce development system capable of producing the talent employers need now and in the future.

Last week, I laid all of this out at the Larimer County Workforce Symposium. You can find my presentation here.

That update was only a quick overview of some workforce initiatives you should know more about. You can learn more at the Talent Summit at the Embassy Suites on the morning of October 4. Among other topics:

  • Learn from Dr. Josh Packard about “Becoming an Employer of Choice”
  • Learn how to use as a key recruitment tool
  • Hear the last information on “Trends in Talent Attraction”
  • Get previews of soon to be launched workplace learning initiatives and the trailing spouse program

As I told the group at the workforce event last week, there are over 7 million unfilled positions in America today. The ‘good news’ is this is not a problem unique to Northern Colorado. The ‘bad news’ is your company and our region are competing with thousands of other places for qualified workers.

To compete for talent, we need to be aggressive, proactive, smart, and informed. I hope you plan to join us at the Talent Summit on October 4.