We ask you to help us send City Council a message to fix it, Don’t Break it!
With the certification of sufficient signatures to repeal the recently adopted Land Development Code (LDC), the Fort Collins City Council will consider two options on Tuesday, January 17: repeal the new code or refer the measure to the voters. As of the signature certification date of December 20, 2022, the prior land use code has been reinstated until final resolution of the matter.
Under the repeal option, City staff has recommended a 5 to 6-month process during which additional community outreach will be conducted and modification of the previously adopted LDC will be considered. A revised code would be brought back before Council in May or June. This pathway allows the Council to take the tremendous work already done by consultants, staff and community, and refine it based on concerns being brought to the forefront. We don’t need to throw everything out and restart this process.
We strongly encourage you to ask Council to Repeal, Refine, and Readopt the LDC.
The Chamber has been accused of being anti-democratic in its approach to this issue, which could not be further from the truth. We strongly believe in representative government, wherein citizens are free to elect others willing and able to thoughtfully consider complex issues before rendering decisions that balance the competing interests of the entire community.
Unfortunately, we have seen a faction of our community resort to social, emotional, and physical intimidation of the Council, City staff, and those who have volunteered their time and expertise to promoting positive steps toward a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive community.
We ask that you join us in calling for constructive dialogue that will refine the Land Development Code and rejecting the message that questions the integrity of our elected officials and professional staff. While emails are powerful (and available via the link above), we would love for you to join us at 6pm on January 17 in Council Chambers to share a 1-2 minute comment supporting Repeal, Refine and Readopt the LDC.
Questions – feel free to reach out to myself or Joe Rowan – [email protected]. And certainly, share this message with others in your network that are following this important topic and want to support constructive next steps!