Lunch n’ Learn: How to Read Your Merchant Processing StatementPresented by: Stu Kehler, Retail Control Systems
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
11:30-1:00 p.m.
225 South Meldrum Street
Merchant service statements embody the lack of transparency that is a major systemic issue in the credit card processing industry.
Learn how to read examples of merchant processing statements with a focus on how to determine what is required to be paid by the credit card companies and what is additional.
Presentation will cover benefits and advantages of interchange plus pricing, tiered pricing and membership pricing.
We’ll also cover the different fees as well as what you need to do to not be charged PCI compliance fees or have those removed if they are on your statement.
Feel confident knowing how to read your merchant processing statement and determine the fees you’re being charged and where the charges are coming from.
You’ll also get an overview of what is needed for PCI compliance and how to check your statement for unnecessary PCI compliance fees.
Learn how to save your business money and attend this Lunch n’ Learn presentation!
Lunch Provided
Registration is $17/Members, $25/Non-Members
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