This 2 ½ hour no-nonsense, money saving, business generating workshop is designed to create the best possible results for the sizeable financial and staff commitments required to exhibit or vend at any event, conference or trade show. We cover strategies, techniques and best practices in topics that include: Find the best exhibiting/vending opportunities
Set and achieve SMART event objectives
The art and science of engaging attendees
Create a low cost, high impact display
Attract more traffic to your space
12 ways to save $$ at every event
Have a presence, without being present
10 ways to get more out of every event
Open Q & A – Get all your questions answered
Space is limited, so advance registration is highly recommended. For the workshop flyer and more information, please visit or email [email protected].
The price is $55 at the door, or $49 in advance. For immediate phone registration, call Gary at (970)624-0451. Visa and MasterCard accepted.