What?s On Horizon for Local Economy?

Jul 9, 2013 | Business & Economy, Business-Friendly Environment, Economy, Talent

Would you rather be living and working in Fort Collins or Detroit? While the once mighty ‘Motor City’ continues to implode, the gods continue to smile down on the ‘Choice City’ of Fort Collins. Clearly different choices by the communities are leading to different results.

So, what is going on in the greater Fort Collins economy and how do we keep our positive momentum? Are there any dark clouds on the horizon? These and similar topics will be covered at the second annual Future of Jobs summit coming up on the morning of July 31 at Hilton Fort Collins.

It’s a ‘don’t miss’ event for anyone interested in the economic future of the area. To learn more and register for the event go to the Chamber’s home page, www.FortCollinsChamber.com or click here.