With concerns about COVID-19 and toilet paper shortages, there is increased use of wipes and other products like facial tissues, paper towels and napkins.
Even if these products claim to be ‘flushable,’ they don’t break down like toilet paper and can clog pipes, leading to messy, costly sewer backups and property damage.
How Can You Help?
Remember to only flush the three Ps: pee, poo and toilet paper. All other items should be thrown in the trash (not the recycle bin).
And, please help us spread this message so we can avoid unnecessary issues with our wastewater system and have one less thing to worry about.
Who’s Responsible?
It’s the property owner’s responsibility to maintain and repair the wastewater (sanitary sewer) line that runs from the home or building to the City’s sewer mains in the street, as well as any resulting damages. Learn more about customer responsibility and service line repairs at fcgov.com/sewer-line-repairs.
Reporting a Blockage or Backup
If you have a blockage or backup, call a plumber so repairs can be made as quickly as possible, as well as Fort Collins Utilities (970-221-6700) to report the issue and your insurance company for further direction.
For more information, visit fcgov.com/sewer-blockages, email [email protected] or V/TDD 711.
Esta información puede ser traducida, sin costo para usted, 970-212-2900.