Valerie Arnold

Feb 4, 2020 | Uncategorized

On Saturday one of our friends and active members, Valerie Arnold, died from cancer. She lit up every room she entered. An attorney who became a realtor, she was a former

Assistant Attorney General and counsel to Colorado Division of Real Estate. With the Chamber, Valerie was active with the Red Carpet Committee, the annual Moving Fort Collins Forward! campaign, and served on the Local Legislative Affairs Committee.

In the community Valerie served on the Board of Citizens for a Sustainable Economy, she is a Trustee for the Poudre River Public Library District; a Board member for the Red Cross of Northern Colorado; an Associate Board Member for the Boys and Girls Club of Larimer County; and a Board Member of the City of Fort Collins Transportation Board.

In 2018 Valerie was named Chamber Volunteer of the Year.

Prior to her passing, the Chamber Executive Committee passed a resolution naming the Volunteer of the Year Award in Valerie’s honor:

Resolution Creating the
Valerie Arnold Volunteer of the Year Award

WHEREAS, the success of the Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce (“the Chamber”) is rooted in active and engaged member volunteers, and

WHEREAS, Valerie Arnold is the standard for volunteerism as demonstrated by her active work at the Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce, and

WHEREAS, the Chamber wants to immortalize her standard of volunteer excellence as an inspiration for others, now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Executive Committee of the Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce renames the annual “Volunteer of the Year Award” as the “Valerie Arnold Volunteer of the Year Award.”

Photo courtesy zebrajellyfish Photography