The Season Of Economic Forecasting

by | Jan 28, 2025 | From the CEO

woman smiling, wearing glasses and a suit

Ann Hutchison


For questions and comments on this blog, please email Ann at [email protected]

The Season Of Economic Forecasting

by | Jan 28, 2025 | From the CEO

It’s that time of year again – the season of Economic Forecasting. If you are like me, you’ve attended at least three conversations in the last four weeks with economists, business leaders and others sharing their crystal ball projections for the area over the next 12 months.  Not surprisingly, the observations ran from optimist to gloomy.

As I reflect on the conversations, I am struck by the ongoing theme of small businesses at risk. Many of our retail and hospitality businesses have survived the last four years to wake up to sizeable challenges that are forcing many of our entrepreneurial friends to consider closing or changing their business model very dramatically.

Observations around the table centered on the continued rise in the cost of doing business. Wildly increasing costs of labor, insurance, property tax, space, regulation and goods are reality for all business owners and especially for our smaller businesses.

Magic solutions are not quick to be found. Still, your Chamber will continue to work to move the dial on advocating for and inspiring the continued growth of our economy in northern Colorado. We will remain a leader in creating a workforce ecosystem that helps you create and find the talent you need to grow and sustain your business. We will also be a convener driving regional roadway conversation and you will see us continue to advocate for a positive business climate.

Keep an eye on your email tomorrow morning – as a member of the Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce you will have the first opportunity to learn about the work of the Chamber in 2024 to affect positive change across the region to limit this damage on small business.  You will also have the first chance to register for our In-Person Fort Collins Area Chamber Annual Celebration event coming your way in April.  Don’t miss your email or connecting with us in 2025!

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