The Fast Track to Staying Informed

Sep 22, 2015 | Uncategorized

Do you have 3-5 hours to spend attending or watching the City Council meetings every week? Nobody does (except of course Kevin Jones on our staff). Yet, city government can have a big impact on the business community through its plans, regulations, laws and fees and taxes.

Instead of 180-300 minutes a week or ignoring city government altogether, keep informed by watching the Chamber’s weekly Two-Minute Update. You can see a sample here. In roughly two minutes, our staff gives you the highlights on issues of importance to the business community.

Most weeks you can scroll down this SmartBrief Weekly to view the video or you can sign up separately by emailing Ann Hutchison at [email protected]. She will add you to the special Two-Minute Update distribution list. An advantage to signing up separately is that you also get links to the relevant material covered in the video.

Stay informed. Watch the Two-Minute Update!