The Face Mask Requirement

May 5, 2020 | Uncategorized

The City of Fort Collins and Larimer County have both mandated that businesses open to the public require employees, customers and others entering the business to wear a face covering. Estes Park has also put into place a similar ordinance.

We understand these orders have caused confusion, have been challenging to implement, and have put front line employees in a difficult position of trying to police these orders. One thing that may help: Both the City and the County have created signage that you should post on your door to communicate to customers that these are government mandates.

We will continue to seek clarity for business from local government while working to prepare training materials with language your employees can use.

In the meantime, two things:

  • Read up on the policies (links below).
  • If you have constructive suggestions, contact your Larimer County Commissioners and Fort Collins City Council members (links below).

Larimer County Face Covering Order:

Larimer County Commissioners Contact Information:

City of Fort Collins Face Covering Rule:

City of Fort Collins Council Members Contact Information: