The Leadership Team who runs TED X Mountain Ave is made of students from Poudre High School, Rocky Mountain High School, FRCC, and CSU. As well as current and former PSD staff. It’s unique because we aren’t a youth event, but young adults make up most of the production and organizational team. We have an amazing group of speakers this year flying in from around the nation (and one flying in internationally) to give their talks alongside our local talent.
This year’s theme is Unity and we have 7 amazing speakers, including 2 from the PSD family, who want to share their ideas with our community.
- Brooke Nicole holds a Master of Public Health degree and is the bestselling author of The Power Lies in You: an epic guide to regenerative self care and will focus on The Colors of Unity. How eating foods of color brings us together.
- Dr. Tomasulo is the Academic Director and core faculty at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute (SMBI), Teachers College, Columbia University, and is on the teaching staff at the University of Pennsylvania and will focus on how learned hopefulness changes how people can get back a sense of control in their lives and improve their well-being.
- Hege Jacobsen is a career military officer of 20 years, a veteran, and has a master’s degree in social science from Nord University in Tromsø, Norway and will focus on how a traveler’s mindset can conquer our bias and improve communication by opening minds and opening hearts.
- Mel Z is a first-generation student who will be the first in her family to attend a four-year college and will focus on fighting the misogynistic culture present in many places to help Latinas unite and have their voices heard.
- Milana Schaal, a bestselling author at 11, is a multicultural student who inspires the world to contribute their skills and talents and help one another go after their dreams and will focus on how kids do not have to wait to grow up to follow their dreams: they can impact and transform the world now.
- Starr Hill is a passionate educator and Assistant Principal at Polaris Expeditionary Learning School and will focus on how school culture and climate is strengthened by allowing students and staff to be divergent, autonomous, and creative in their teaching and learning and being.
- Tim Seelig is a conductor, speaker, author and educator. He is the Conductor Laureate of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus and Conductor Emeritus of the Turtle Creek Chorale in Dallas, Texas and will focus on coming out of your fear closet and begin living a life of courage and truth.
TEDxMountain Ave 2023 is on March 30th at Poudre High School and tickets can be purchased HERE.
This event is free for all PSD students. General admission is $10 and a small amount of VIP seating is available for $50. By purchasing a general admission or VIP ticket, people are helping keep this event free for students. VIP tickets will include a separate, and expedited, check-in and a special gift.
Doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and talks will begin at 5:15. We will have a reception following the talks where audience members can discuss the ideas they heard and meet the speakers. The Poudre High School catering students will prepare light refreshments for people to enjoy during the reception.
More information can be found on our website HERE.