Monday, March 16, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM Fort Collins, CO
Small business ownership is the American dream. But the thought of walking away from a job and taking the risk can be scary! Start-ups, existing businesses, franchises–all options to consider. A lesser known option is the passive ownership model. What if you could minimize the fear by keeping your current job–and income–while building a business, and additional revenue stream, on the side? Well you can! If you’ve ever considered business ownership–or even if you already own a business–this fun, informative seminar is for you. Join us for this unique opportunity to hear from a group of local small business professionals who will each provide perspective and ideas to help you determine if entrepreneurship is an option you should explore.
Click here to learn more and register
We will also feature an exciting concept, in the fast-growing health and wellness industry, that is built on the passive owner model. Few employees, low overhead, repeat customers providing predictable monthly revenues–all while keeping your current job! Please join us to learn more.
Presenters Include:
Doug Smith, Funding Expert with Biz Financial Solutions
Brian Boyes, Small Business Attorney with Bordeaux & Boyes LLC
Mike Fulenchek, CPA with Fulenchek CPA
Lauren Johnson, Brand Manager with WellBiz Brands
This seminar is part of our ongoing series of workshops to provide education and answers to anyone considering a business of their own.