Communities and organizations in Northern Colorado are working together to challenge residents and visitors alike to shift trips from their car to walking, biking, rolling, riding transit, working from home, carpooling, and vanpooling between June and August 2023.

What is the Shift Your Ride Summer Challenge?
The Shift Your Ride Summer Challenge is a partnership of multiple communities within the North Front Range region, bringing together large and small communities to get residents and visitors to walk, bike, roll, ride transit, work from home – really, anything that gets people out of their cars. It doesn’t matter if a trip is walking to the grocery store, working from home on Friday, or riding a bike to the brewery on the weekend, any trip counts if you’d normally drive your car.

There are a few reasons to participate.

  • Challenge yourself – set a goal to ride and walk more this summer
  • Challenge others – compete against your family, coworkers, friends, or the region to shift the most miles
  • Win a prize – participants will be in the running for different prizes after tracking at least four trips
  • See the region in a new way – we’ve got some great trails, transit, and paths to see things that you can’t see when you’re driving
  • Improve our air – every time you don’t drive, you’re helping the region reduce transportation-related air quality issues
  • Put money in your pocket – transit, riding your bike, walking, and rolling are all cheap ways to get around the region and you don’t have to pay for gas!

How to participate:
The NFRMPO is partnering with VanGo™ Vanpools to help you track your rides and get in the running for prizes. Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way to leaving your competition in the dust!

  • Fill out the Google Form with some basic information (name, email, community, and whether you’re part of a team). NFRMPO staff will register you for the VanGo™ Vanpools platform.
  • Activate your account via the verification email you will receive from VanGo™ Vanpools. Set a password.  Sign up for the challenge – Shift Your Ride Summer Challenge.
  • Get out and about on a bus, the trails, or your couch.
  • Start tracking those trips.

Learn more about the challenge at Call (970) 514-3636 or email [email protected] with comments or questions.