Welcome to Summer

by | Jun 1, 2021 | From the CEO

woman smiling, wearing glasses and a suit

Ann Hutchison


For questions and comments on this blog, please email Ann at ahutchison@fcchamber.org

Welcome to Summer

by | Jun 1, 2021 | From the CEO

Welcome to Summer!  All the wonderful attributes of summer are starting to arrive:  school’s out for kiddos and college students, the weather is starting to be beautiful sunshine-filled days and BBQ grills and swimming pools are opening up around the community.  Add to the mix a reopening of the community as we continue to see vaccine numbers climb and COVID-19 cases fall, and the stage is set for a ton of exciting and energizing activity.

Your Chamber is thrilled to host a number of opportunities for members to re-engage with our staff and community businesses throughout the summer.  We’ll continue to host a number of events online, but are also opening our building to small and mid-sized events.  Check out our June calendar to get a sense of what’s to come:

  • Red Carpet will make its home in our parking lot this summer. Join us on Tuesday and Thursday throughout the summer for these member showcases.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to interact, outside, with Chamber members while celebrating new members.
  • Connect@Lunch continued throughout pandemic and will increase in capacity throughout the summer as restaurants come back on line. Join us for this great lunch networking opportunity.  Uno Mas is our first stop this summer – and you don’t want to miss those great street tacos!
  • Fridays at the Chamber will also be hosted in our parking lot this summer. We are moving the grill to the front of the building to make room for lots of networking.

And keep an eye on our weekly newsletter to learn about additional opportunities!

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