Quality Water – It’s Our Priority

Jul 13, 2022 | Member News

At Fort Collins Utilities, we take water quality very seriously and are committed to providing safe, high-quality, reliable drinking water to our customers. Utilities’ treated drinking water consistently surpasses state and federal standards for purity. Staff continually monitor water quality from source to tap and take pride in being able to offer some of the best drinking water in the country.

Outstanding water is provided by:

  • Monitoring and managing the water system for post-wildfire impacts in our source water.
  • Monitoring for lead, copper and other possible contaminants throughout the water system.
  • Maintaining a long-standing corrosion control program to prevent the deterioration of water pipes.
  • Participating in voluntary monitoring programs to identify emerging contaminants.
  • And more!

Learn more: fcgov.com/water