During the 2019 Legislative Session, Democratic state leaders referred Proposition CC to the fall ballot.
Proposition CC would override the part of the provision in the state constitution in the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR) that requires the state to reimburse taxpayers when state revenues exceed population growth and inflation. The retained monies would be used for transportation, public schools, and higher education.
The measure is partisan in nature being referred by the Democrat-controlled legislation with only one Republican vote.
Advocates claim the state desperately needs the money. And, though Prop CC is only statutory and not a constitutional change, they pledge the money will be used for the purposes listed.
Opponents say that claim is bogus. There’s plenty of money, but the priorities are wrong. Over the past 10 years the state budget grew by 55 percent (from $19.9 billion to $30.9 billion), far outpacing the 15 percent population growth and inflation rate of 23 percent.
Another issue raised by opponents is that Prop CC is a trial balloon for a plan to liberalize the state’s entire tax code as explained in this article in the Colorado Sun.
For a factual, balanced review of the issue and its supporters, take a look at Ballotpedia.
Regarding the Chamber, we are neutral on the issue.