The State of Colorado Plastic Pollution Reduction Act was passed in 2021 to reduce and mitigate plastic pollution in Colorado. This two-phased law became effective on January 1, 2023, and puts a 10-cent fee on paper and plastic carryout bags used at checkout and for pickup and delivery orders at large retail stores. On January 1, 2024, plastic carryout bags will be banned at large retail stores, and paper carryout bags will continue to be offered for the 10-cent fee. Polystyrene (brand name Styrofoam) food containers (i.e., cups, bowls, trays, and hinged clamshells) will also be banned in 2024 at retail food establishments such as restaurants, fast-food chains, grocery stores, and convenience stores. Other retail food establishments include business cafeterias, hospitals, schools/universities, and prisons.

Fill out the Business Confirmation Form to confirm if the State Plastic Pollution law impacts your business for bag bans and fees or Styrofoam food container bans.

Main website

Bag fees and ban checklist-

Styrofoam container ban

Signage (future materials will be added here)

Social media/Signage

Styrofoam container ban–

Does your business have initiatives to reduce plastic consumption or work towards zero waste? Do you want to share your story with others in the Fort Collins community? Then email to tell your plastic reduction story.

Business Taking Action on Plastic-