Applications Accepted June 1 – June 30
The Impact Fund Grant Program was created to invest funds each year to enrich community-based behavioral health services. Over the course of the 20-year sales tax initiative, the Impact Fund will have invested millions of dollars into local behavioral health community programming with a commitment to the following funding priorities:
- Access & Affordability
- Care Coordination & System Integration
- Early Identification & Intervention
- Stigma Reduction & Public Awareness
- Quality Care
- Prevention
Impact Fund 101
Wednesday, May 17 at 11 – 11:45 am MT
From schools to care providers to nonprofits, this is a great opportunity for almost any organization to learn about BHS funding opportunities. Join us as we explain the basics of our grant program and what’s new for 2023. Register Here.
Applicant Workshop
Wednesday, June 7 at 10 – 11:00 am MT
Join us as we dig into the nuts and bolts of applying for BHS grant funding. We will walk through our grant portal, discuss the components of a competitive application, and answer any questions you may have about applying. Register Here