Respond by Urging Additional Federal Funding Be Directed to Federal Interstate System.

The signing of the $1 Trillion Infrastructure Package today marks an historic win for much needed investment in the nation’s infrastructure. Colorado stands to receive approximately $3.7B in federal-aid funding for Colorado’s roads over 5 years and includes current levels of funding. Approximately $950M of the $3.7M are new dollars to the state.

Leaders from business and elected officials from the Northern Colorado region advocating for funding and construction of the north Interstate 25 corridor shared their praise of the plan and response that the additional new federal dollars be directed to the federal interstate system, including the completion of the North I-25 Express Lanes project.

Ann Hutchison, Fort Collins Chamber President & CEO and Convener of the Fix North I-25 Business Alliance:

“The historic passage and signing of the $1 Trillion Federal Infrastructure Bill sets the stage for a similarly historic investment in Colorado’s federal interstate system. Colorado’s interstate system carries 27 percent of the state’s vehicle travel yet full funding of the North I-25 corridor is $660M+ short of the necessary funds to complete the project. We urge the Colorado Transportation Commission to prioritize the one-time federal funds for our state’s federal interstate system. And, we suggest they start with the unfunded the North I-25 gap to assure the health and safety of the thousands of Coloradoans, interstate travelers and freight haulers while addressing the important air quality concerns caused by unnecessary congestion along the miles of two-lane interstate.”

Weld County Commissioner Scott James, Chair of the North I-25 Coalition, Chair of the Upper Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization and member of the State Transportation Advisory Council:

“North I-25 is the backbone and life blood of the Northern Colorado region. It is the intrastate connect between the north, south, east and west of Colorado. And, critically, it is the interstate connect to the rest of the country. Left unfunded, the resulting flow of traffic will be impeded, safety will be compromised, and air quality will be impacted from heighted emissions from congestion. The North I-25 Coalition stands firmly with the Fix North I-25 Business Alliance in urging the Colorado Transportation Commission and CDOT to fully fund* the North I-25 Gap from the available federal infrastructure funds.

Sandra Hagen Solin, Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance
“The spine of Colorado’s Front Range, the essential freight corridor linking interstate commerce, and a critical national defense asset, the North I-25 multi-modal corridor substantially serves as the economic connector of Colorado’s fastest growing region – northern Colorado. We strongly urge the Colorado Transportation Commission and the Colorado Department of Transportation to direct the additional Colorado allocation of federal funds to the interstate system including fully funding* and completing the critical expansion of the federally overseen interstate roadway, the North I-25 Express Lanes Project.”

Northern Colorado is United
Northern Colorado is united in its efforts to assure full funding of North I-25.

Together, the North I-25 Coalition and Fix North I-25 Business Alliance, represent the local governments and the business community of the Northern Colorado region.

The North I-25 Coalition, founded in September 2013, encompasses local government Mayors, Commissioners and Councilors representing entities – counties, cities and towns – along the I-25 corridor. Their focused and cooperative efforts by members of the Coalition, chaired by Weld County Commissioner Scott James, has produced millions in local matching funds to position the North I-25 Corridor to receive federal funding.

The region’s business community founded the Fix North I-25 Business Alliance in early 2014 after being informed the two-lane North I-25 corridor wouldn’t be expanded until 2075. The Alliance is a project of the Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance, the joint advocacy arm of the Fort Collins, Loveland and Greeley Chambers of Commerce with Upstate Colorado and One NoCo Economic Development. It has invested significant financial resources in the unified North I-25 effort and the statewide funding conversation to advocate for more transportation funding for Colorado and North I-25.

*$660+ million is necessary to complete the $1.6 billion North I-25 Express Lanes project.