Manufacturing “New Normal”: Struggles, Lessons Learned from COVID-19

Mar 5, 2021 | Member News

BKD and the Manufacturing Institute’s (MI) Center for Manufacturing Research recently launched a survey series focused on small and midsize manufacturers. The MI is the workforce development and education partner of the National Association of Manufacturers. For the first survey in the series, manufacturing leaders of companies with fewer than 500 employees were asked to detail the effects the COVID-19 pandemic has had on their operations.

Here are some notable highlights from the survey:

  • Despite millions receiving some form of unemployment assistance, more than 77 percent expect to continue struggling to find talent in 2021.
  • Nearly 64 percent re-evaluated what work could be done remotely.
  • More than 83 percent enhanced their workplace safety measures and requirements, with more than 55 percent reporting they were working to re-engineer their production processes to allow for social distancing.

Survey respondents also were free to offer their own commentary on what their “new normal” looks like. You can view the full survey here.

Stay tuned for more surveys focused on small and midsize manufacturers coming later this year. The topics will vary with each survey. If you have any questions or need assistance, reach out to your BKD Trusted Advisor™ or submit the Contact Us form below.


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