Homelessness Prevention Initiative Launches New Website

Jul 17, 2015 | Member News

Homelessness Prevention Initiative announced a new website last week. We encourage everyone to check it out at www.homelessnessprevention.net.

HPI is a local, grass-roots organization centered in Fort Collins. We raise money and supply emergency rental aid grants to residents who cannot pay the rent in one month and risk becoming homeless. Checks are paid directly to the landlord, and clients are eligible for aid once in 12 months.

Please pass along the website as a resource to anyone who may need assistance remaining in their home. “We’ve added many local resources to help residents navigate the system. We don’t want anyone to not get help just because they didn’t know where to turn,” said Amanda Hodge, Executive Director. HPI assists between 600-700 households a year, and 93% of clients are still in their home 3-6 months after receiving assistance (according to HPI follow up surveys).