Beyond Banking Sponsored By Community Banks Of Colorado: Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery

Nov 16, 2015 | Member News

Community Banks of Colorado will be hosting a free workshop for business owners and leaders on Wed, Nov 18th from 7:45am-9am at 4532 Boardwalk Dr. Fort Collins. We will have industry experts here to discuss the following topics:

  • EMV Transition and Technology-Truths and Myths about the Credit Card Microchip
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery- How to Protect your Business and Maintain Operations despite Unexpected Events
  • Are you and your team prepared in the event of a snowstorm? Do you have a Business Continuity Plan?

Our Beyond Banking series are interactive and the goal is for everyone to leave with new tools and resources to use in their business. I have about 15 seats left so please let me know if you would like to attend. RSVP to Shannon Richardson at [email protected].