Would you like to have a say about traffic in Fort Collins? How about housing affordability, land use, and growth management? Well, the Chamber has an opportunity of you!

Every 7-10 years the local city government initiates a comprehensive community planning process known as City Plan. The process is now underway to update City Plan for the next 20 years.

This should matter to businesspeople because the results of City Plan are used to give the City Council high-level policy guidance and implementation recommendations. In this case, it will be used for two decades. Consequently, if the business perspective is not heard in this process, we may get results that we do not want.

An early and important part of developing City Plan will be the drafting of a shared community vision. Basically, what kind of place do we want Fort Collins to be in 20 years?

To get more business input, the Chamber is hosting a City Plan visioning discussion for Chamber members. Here are the basics:

  • When: Tuesday, May 29 – 10:15am to 11:30am
  • Where: Chamber Board Room – 225 S. Meldrum St
  • RSVP: Please RSVP to [email protected] to confirm your attendance.

This will be a fun conversation and is a great opportunity for you to have your voice heard, so we encourage you to attend. Please contact Kevin, Ann or Sarah with any questions:

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While no preparation is necessary to attend, for those of you who want more information ahead of time, here you go:

  • Please view the linked presentation from City of Fort Collins staff that provides a high level summary of the City Plan and associated Master Plans.
  • To access these related current plans and to become more familiar with this process before the meeting CLICK HERE then scroll down looking for “Related Plans” on the right side of the webpage.
  • Finally, if you cannot make this meeting, please visit the City Plan Website for background, detailed information and an online survey opportunity that is open until June 4th.