How much time do you spend each week reading city government documents, attending city government meetings or discussing city government issues that are impacting the community and businesses? 

Twenty hours? Ten? None?

If you’re like most people, the answer is probably ‘none’. You’re busy at work, right? And you have family obligations. You know it’s important, but…

Fortunately, the Chamber’s Local Legislative Affairs Committee (LLAC) has your back. They are a group of your peers who meet every Friday morning to discuss local government issues, set Chamber policy and lobby government officials. There are 23 people on the LLAC.

In three decades of working for chambers of commerce, I’ve never seen anything else like the LLAC. Smart, committed, knowledgeable people who put in serious seat-time to help their community. 

A good example is the current issue of the city government possibly using eminent domain to acquire the Sears property at the Foothills Mall and sell to the new mall owner / developer. The LLAC hasn’t settled on a final position, but the discussions have been in keeping with their usual thorough and thoughtful approach.

The LLAC is a great example of how business people, working through their chamber of commerce, can have a significant positive impact on their community.