Leadership Northern Colorado is now accepting applications for the 2016 Leadership Northern Colorado (LNC) class.
A joint initiative of the Fort Collins, Greeley and Loveland Chambers of Commerce, the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado and the Community Foundation Serving Greeley and Weld County, Leadership Northern Colorado was established to build human capacity and to identify, define and address the issues facing the Northern Colorado region. The 2016 Program is being sponsored by Kaiser Permanente and Banner Health.
The program is designed to educate and motivate leaders who are committed to shaping the future of our region.
Graduates of local leadership programs and individuals in leadership positions in their organizations desiring to make a long term impact on the region are encouraged to apply. Thirty current and emerging leaders from throughout the region will be selected to participate in the 2016 program, which will begin in January and conclude in June. Participants will come together on the fourth Tuesday of the month for a day-long session to learn about public governance, land use and infrastructure, education and workforce, economic development and regional leadership.
The tuition for the six-month program is $750 and includes all meals, session materials and graduation recognition. Applications are available online at www.LeadershipNorthernColorado.com. The application deadline is Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 5 p.m. Applications can be sent by email to LeaderNoCo@fcchamber.org or completed online at www.LeadershipNorthernColorado.com.
To apply for the 2016 Leadership Northern Colorado class or to receive more information about Leadership Northern Colorado, contact the Leadership Hotline at (970) 682-3562 or LeaderNoCo@fcchamber.org.