The Larimer Small Business Development Center, a partner program of the Small Business Administration, is proud to announce its winners of the second annual Cheers for Peers campaign to celebrate Larimer County’s favorite small businesses!
Larimer SBDC’s Cheers for Peers campaign was created to thank and celebrate small business owners in Larimer County communities whose business was voted as community members’ favorites.
“Small business owners work around the clock and sometimes can’t see how their efforts are making a difference. As part of Small Business Week activities, this is one way we can show them how they are appreciated by community members. Everyday citizens nominate any business across Larimer County they’d like to include and the one with the most votes wins – it’s as simple as that. Hopefully, people give shout outs to their favorite local businesses throughout the year, however, we’re delighted to have this one week to amplify the accolades.
Voting ran from March 13th through April 14th and 252 responses were received. Winners from Fort Collins, Loveland, Timnath, Wellington, Berthoud, and Estes Park will be presented certificates and a gift basket of local goods at the SBDC’s Appreciation Event on May 5th at Front Range Community College.
This year’s winners are:
The Fox Den & Linden Street Tattoo Company – Fort Collins
Inside and Out Pet Care & 18 Spa – Loveland
The Little Gym – Timnath
Thistle – Wellington
The Ranchers Wife – Berthoud
Mountain Home Café – Estes Park
Thank you to the Town of Timnath, Town of Wellington & Wellington Main Street, Inc., Town of Berthoud, and Front Range Community College for various items donated to winner gift baskets.
About the Larimer Small Business Development Center
SBDCs are America’s nationwide network of Small Business Development Centers.
A partner program of the SBA, SBDCs are hosted by universities, colleges, state economic development agencies, and private sector organizations.
Since 1989, the Larimer Small Business Development Center Network (SBDC) has been dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and businesses throughout Larimer County start, grow and prosper through street-smart business education that can be applied immediately. In conjunction with free, confidential consultation sessions where consultants serve as accountability partners or trusted advisors, we support the growth and resiliency of small businesses.
Our consulting experts work in partnership to provide entrepreneurs and small business owners at various stages with crucial information that can mean the difference between success and failure. Our typical clients have been in business for 0 – 10+ years and on average have 1-10 employees.
Our mission is to help existing and new businesses grow and prosper and our Colorado network’s vision is to be your premier, trusted choice for business consulting, training, and resources.
For more information and to learn more about the Larimer Small Business Development Center, please visit