KRFC 88.9 FM Radio Fort Collins is proudly supporting the third graders in the Poudre School District and helping give the opportunity to choose and own new books to boost their transition from learning to read to reading to learn!
The Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Club Peach Pack fundraiser for literacy goal is to sell 1000 Peach Packs and you can help us achieve our target profit goal of $13,000 to $17,500! When you buy a Peach Pack you get a delicious Lattice Peach Pie from Ginger and Baker, a 16 oz. jar of each peach salsa and preserves from Anita’s Pantry in Palisade, CO. Help give third graders in the Poudre School district the opportunity to choose and own new books to boost their transition from learning to read to reading to learn. Buying a Peach Pack costs you $40 per pack and they make amazing gifts for neighbors, friends, family and colleagues .. oh and don’t forget yourselves! The benefit for each third grade student is a lifetime of achievement
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