Leadership Fort Collins

Hosted by the Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce


September 2024 – May 2025




 Throughout The Community

Leadership Fort Collins was established in 1981 to educate and motivate leaders who are dedicated to shaping the future of our community. This program provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of Fort Collins, including its history, government, economy, social issues, needs, and opportunities.

The program is designed to:

  • Broaden participant knowledge of the community
  • Enhance leadership skills
  • Encourage contribution to the betterment of Fort Collins
  • Strengthen and enhance the effectiveness of community leaders
  • Equip participants to tackle current and future community challenges
  • Facilitate direct contact with influential individuals, businesses, and organizations

Each year, emerging leaders from the Fort Collins area are carefully selected to take part in this program. The program runs from September through May, with participants coming together on the second Thursday of each month for a day-long session. These sessions cover a wide range of topics including:

  • Community planning
  • Local government
  • Public safety
  • Economic development
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Leadership development

The program also emphasizes team building and offers opportunities for participants to engage in a class project.

Tuition covers all meals, session materials, and graduation recognition.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

EPS Group | Northern Engineering Logo
Front Range Community College logo
UC Health