In the course of a typical day, I have a lot of information come my way. Recently, I’ve seen several sets of data that I thought you’d find interesting. Click on the subject headings below to be taken to them.

IRS Migration Data – 2012-2013. The IRS’ Statistics of Income Division recently published the latest state-to-state migration data. People are moving to Colorado from everywhere but the biggest contributors are California, Texas, Florida, Arizona and Illinois, respectively. The five top states where departing Coloradoans go are the same except for Washington replacing Illinois.

Americans are on the move. Another look at migration patterns can be found in a recent study done by Pew   Lea by places like Chicago and Fairfax County VA, 1062 counties lost population while 707 gained population, especially in the Sun Belt.

Every county in the nation ranked by weather and scenery. Of 3,111 counties with data in the USDA’s Economic Research Service data base, Ventura County, Calif. Is the most desirable place to live in America relative to weather and scenery. Red Lake County, Minn. Comes in last. Larimer County is a very respectable 77, Boulder is 71 and Weld is 545.

50-Mile Radius Report. The U.S. Economic Development Administration’s STATSAMERICA has the “Big Radius Tool” that lets you put in a place, a radius around it then provides population and jobs data within that radius. For instance, within 50 miles of the city of Fort Collins the population is 1,560,221, the labor force is 841,952m employment is 805,777, the unemployment rate is 4.3%, average earnings per job is $54,081 and the largest employment sector is health care and social services with 66,251 jobs.