The recruitment period for the first Kaiser Permanente-sponsored “Building for Growth” cohort has officially begun! This program will provide free training, technical assistance, mentorship, and networking opportunities for BIPOC-owned and/or women-owned construction businesses.

ICIC is excited to announce that it is now accepting nominations and applications for the 2023 Building for Growth (BFG) program for BIPOC- and woman-owned construction contractors. BFG is a tuition-free, 18-week virtual executive education program uniquely designed to help construction businesses secure contracts, increase their bonding capacity, access capital, and gain broad exposure to industry partners.

BFG launched its inaugural cohort in 2022, which served 54 businesses from 19 states. 91% of the businesses were BIPOC-owned and 53% were woman-owned. This year, the program is expanding to two cohorts: a West Coast-focused cohort (starting April 25) and a National cohort (starting July 25).
As a key player in the local small business ecosystem, you are invited to attend our virtual BFG Info Session taking place on Wednesday, March 1 at 9am PT (12pm ET) to learn more about
the program and opportunities to get involved. The session will feature a panel of BFG program alumni and an interactive Q&A.


Register for Info Session: HERE!