What if your personal information, digital wallet, and passport could be uploaded to your scarf? What if your shirt could detect the onset of a heart attack and alert emergency responders? Find out when Smart
Textiles and the Evolution of Fashion is presented at 6 pm Thursday, Jan. 19, at the Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures by Christopher Muscato, Adjunct Professor of History at the University of
Northern Colorado.

“Our attire says a lot about us,” said Muscato. “Our clothes protect us from the elements, which are vital to identity, cultural association, and self-expression. But what if our clothes could actually talk to us? What if we could talk to them? We will thread the needle between science fiction and reality as we explore the future of smart textiles in terms of both function and fashion.”

Admission to the program is $5 per person, and light refreshments will be served. Advance reservations are recommended HERE.
The program is in conjunction with Textiles: Exploring Boundaries in the Museum’s Main Gallery. Additionally, the exhibit showcases extraordinary fabrics and cloths and examines our assumptions and perceptions about what constitutes a textile. The exhibit runs through March 25. The Global Village Museum is located at 200 West Mountain Avenue, and Museum hours are 11 am to 5 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Regular admission is $5 for adults, $3 for seniors and students, $1 for ages 4-15, and free for children three and under. Adult tours receive discounted admission of $3/person.

For more information, visit globalvillagemuseum.org or call 970-221-4600.