FORT COLLINS, Colo. (March 23, 2017) – Students at Front Range Community College are taking hands-on learning to the next level as they spend the semester designing and building a shed that will be used as a fundraiser for Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity. Shed design and construction has been part of the Architectural Engineering and Construction Technology class final project for years, but every spring they had to disassemble their project because there wasn’t a place to store it on campus. Jamie Hahn, the Program Director and teacher of the class, felt frustrated by this and contacted Habitat to see if the affiliate had a need for a new shed, and the partnership grew from there.
“This really is an excellent opportunity for students to get real-world experience working with clients and building to a sellable standard. Not only do they get to learn and apply construction and design skills, but the implementation of those skills will result in a positive ripple effect when Habitat sells the shed to raise funds for their work.” Jaime Hahn, Program Director.
Students were given parameters for their design to ensure that it fit city code and wouldn’t require additional permitting, but they were also given creative room to customize their designs before presenting their ideas to the Habitat staff. After giving feedback, the staff chose one design to move forward with, which students will begin to build this month on campus.
“The partnership between Front Range Community College and Habitat for Humanity is inspiring. This unique partnership makes for a dynamic AEC program. Students learn the importance of community participation and education.” Zachary Askeland, Student.
The learning partnership will expand beyond the Architecture class as well, with plans for the Computer Aided Drafting, 3D Printing Class, Interior Design class and Welding class to each play a role in the design and marketing of the shed.
“As a non-profit home builder, this partnership was a great fit for our organization. I love the fact that we can help provide real-world educational opportunities for local students, and of course the fundraising element helps us to keep our mission financed.” Kristin Candella, Executive Director of Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity.
The shed will be transported and displayed at the Fort Collins Habitat ReStore in May and the public will have an opportunity to purchase it at that time. All proceeds from the sale of the shed will directly benefit Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity.
To learn more about Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity and their community partners, visit
About Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity
Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seeks to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope. Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing in the Fort Collins area and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating and preserving homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions. Habitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all. Also find us on Facebook and Twitter.
About Front Range Community College
Front Range Community College Larimer Campus is located in Ft. Collins, CO and offers general education and career/technical classes. More than 9,700 students attend the Larimer Campus each year. About two-thirds attend part time. A total of 15 percent of Larimer students are members of one or more ethnic group. Many students enroll right from high school, so the median age is 21.5.