Project Submissions DUE 6 PM AUGUST 21. We will take as many projects as we can but first come, first serve.

The Multimedia Graphic Design department at Front Range Community College is offering free design services for Fall semester. These services include print materials–digital marketing pieces are ok but no websites. Advanced MGD students will be working on these projects for class credit, so this is free to clients but it gives students the opportunity to work with clients. FRCC students have designed posters for a Wolf Sanctuary Fundraiser (raising over $2,500), an entire magazine (Culturs, published in Nov. 2019), logos, and much more.

Please submit your proposal for projects to Maggie Adams, MGD Program Director, Larimer Campus. Project time frame must be between end of August and early December. Design services only. Printing and coordination of printing not included.

Include the following in submissions:
Contact Name:
Contact Phone #:
Contact email:
Project Title:
Piece: (poster, brochure, logo, concept, etc.)
Color or B/W:
Print or Digital:
Detailed Description: (include audience, colors, goal, call-to-action, etc.)
Due Date: