As we face another winter storm this weekend, we wanted to send a quick note to let you know that we’re prepared to continue supporting our 24/7/365 utility services.

Recording from last week: If you weren’t able to attend our recent session discussing the impacts of the Valentine’s Day weekend storm, it’s available at this link.

For another related story to that event, please visit this link.

What we’re doing to prepare for the storm:

  • Crews are gearing up for a long weekend and will stand ready when duty calls.
  • Generators are ready to support any potential outages at the water treatment facility (up to 4 days before refueling).
  • Snow equipment is being staged for optimal operations.
  • We’re consulting our Severe Action/Emergency Response Plans and prepping supplies and staff to keep operations fully supported.
  • Staff who would normally handoff shifts are prepared to stay onsite as needed.


  • Our electric distribution system is nearly 100% underground, so we’re fortunate to be less exposed to the elements.
  • Temperatures are not predicted to be as low as February’s storm, but a large snowfall can affect response/drive times. Heavy equipment and plows are being staged accordingly.
  • The incoming storm is predicted to dump considerable amounts of snow within the city, and potentially more in our watersheds impacted by the 2020 fires. Currently, our water quality monitoring devices above the treatment plant intakes are not installed in the Poudre River. Generally the monitoring equipment is installed in April once there is less risk due to ice and prior to runoff season. Water quality and water treatment plants will increase water quality sampling during and following the storm. Staff will determine the best source of water to reduce impacts caused by runoff. This storm brings the potential for a rain on snow event; these events can cause significant runoff. Should you experience an issue, please call 970-221-6700. Should we observe a significant impact to water quality we will notify you.

What you can do:

While we realize weather reports and forecast models can vary, please stay tuned to your authoritative weather resources for the latest weather updates while we work to support your services 24/7/365.