Financial Planning Fort Collins Team Member Earns CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Certification

Jan 1, 1970 | Uncategorized

Local financial planning firm’s employee-owned team now includes three CFP® professionals.

FORT COLLINS, COLO — The newest CFP® professional on the Financial Planning Fort Collins team is someone with whom FPFoCo clients are likely already familiar. Regina Neenan earned their CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification earlier this month.

“I’m honored to have joined the ranks of CFP® professionals, including my esteemed colleagues at and partners in the firm,” Regina said. “Jason and Dan’s mentorship and support was and continues to be crucial to my experience in financial planning. Further, I’m grateful for the firm’s investment in my education. I look forward to using my knowledge to better serve our current and future clients.”

Regina has also been promoted to Director of Cash-Flow and Insurance Planning.

“Regina’s latest credentials validate the amazing work they focus on with clients,” Dan Andrews, CFP®, AEP®, CAP®, and director of estate and financial planning said. “Getting into the details of risk management plus helping clients prepare customized budgets, Regina continues to enhance the client experience through their overall style and focus on insurance and cash flow.”

The FPFoCo team now includes three CFP® professionals, ready to serve clients in a full-time fiduciary capacity. Their expertise goes beyond credentials with a team approach and over three decades of combined experience.

“For the last several years, Regina has been a critically important part of the delivery of FPFoCo’s financial planning process,” Jason Speciner, CFP®, EA, director of tax and investment planning and founder of Financial Planning Fort Collins said. “As a CFP® professional, they’ll continue to deliver sophisticated yet understandable financial planning advice and provide our clients with the value they’ve come to expect and deserve.”

About Financial Planning Fort Collins: Financial Planning Fort Collins (FPFoCo) is Your Full-Time Fiduciary®. 100% employee-owned, we offer financial planning, investment management, and income tax preparation as one comprehensive approach and excel at guiding successful women and consulting with individuals serving as trustees. With over 30 years of combined experience, our CFP® professionals have the expertise to serve you. You can learn more about FPFoCo or become a client at

About the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards: Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the United States, which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.