The Fort Collins Chamber will be closing at 4:00 pm, September 26 for our Business Tradeshow. The Chamber will reopen for regular hours on Friday, September 27. Click below for tickets & more info about the Tradeshow
How many of you review and understand your P&L’s – monthly? How many ever review your P&L’s?
We are hosting a Free Workshop on Tuesday, Sept. 25 at 5:30- 7 p.m. at the Fort Collins Chamber office to teach you how to evaluate your P&L’s so that you will not only understand your break-even points, but so you’ll understand how regular evaluation and segmentation of your client base or market in your P&L’s can help you create a strategic financial roadmap to more profitability.
Let me share a story. I have a client who is a manufacturer. We segmented their market by type of client – Hotel, Store Front, School Related and Residential – and by job costing. Because of “job costing”, I discovered that there was too little profit in the Hotel Segment. Looking at just the direct materials and the direct labor costs, they actually looked profitable. However, when we factored in manufacturing overhead – the Hotel Sector was not profitable. They eliminated pursuing or accepting jobs from the Hotel sector and realized a 3.3% increase in revenue the following year – without really doing anything else different. Their net income went from approximately $75,000 to $230,000 in that time. That’s a significant return on investment!
I invite you to bring your P&L’s with you and I will teach you how to read and understand them and then help you see how they can create a strategy roadmap
The workshop is free; however, I need you to sign up by emailing Tamara because we will be serving a light dinner. You can’t crunch numbers if you’re hungry!
Let’s roll up our sleeves and do this!
WHAT: Reading & Evaluating P&L Statements to Create Profitability
WHO: Craig Auer, CPA of AuerCPA CO will teach the workshop
WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 25, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce Large Conference Room
Bring your P&L’s, something to take notes on, and your laptop if you want to participate in a “Break Even” Exercise.
RSVP by Fri., Sept. 21st with Name, Company, and Phone Number to: [email protected]
Subject: P& L Workshop RSVP
Craig Auer, Principal at AuerCPA Co., is a CPA ,Tax Reform Specialist and Chief Business Strategist with over 30 years’ experience helping small business owners focus on their day to day business while he focuses on the fiscal health of their company. AuerCPA Co. is a boutique accounting agency that has a team of professionals who are ready and dedicated to helping small business owners, executives, and small manufacturers run their businesses with ease by providing financial guidance for their organizations.