February Lunch n’ Learn: The Secret of Achieving Sustainable Sales SuccessSOLD OUT
Presented by Don Overcash, Sandler Training
February 14, 2017 11:30-1:00pm
Fort Collins Area Chamber, 225 S. Meldrum
Regardless of your business, do you find yourself:
Discover how becoming a Trusted Advisor can completely alter your business development process and deepen your existing business relationships. Join us on February 13th to hear more about becoming a Trusted Advisor from Lunch n’ Learn pro, Don Overcash.
Cost is $15/person and includes lunch and seminar materials. Lunch and networking activities will begin at 11:30 a.m. in the Fort Collins Area Chamber Board Room, 225 S. Meldrum St. Registration for this event is due by Noon on Monday, February 13.No walk up registration is available for this event.