CIVIC Conversation
4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
*NEW DATE: Monday, October 10, 2022
Horse & Dragon Brewing Company, 124 Racquette Dr. in Fort Collins
Quick Link to Registration
Earlier this year, your Chamber launched a monthly engagement series known as CIVIC Conversations. This initiative grows from concern that discussion of important community issues is being increasingly driven by the often anonymous and vitriolic nature of social media and personal grandstanding intended to draw eyes and ears – not feedback.
CIVIC Conversations have been very well received, so now we invite you to take the program home or on the road during this fall election season!
Join us on Monday, October 10 from 4:30pm to 6:00pm at Horse & Dragon Brewing Company where we will release the Conversation TO GO packet on Ballot Issues. You will receive the full conversation packet and gain knowledge about ballot issues so you can have a conversation at your own home.
4:30 p.m. – Arrive, buy a beverage, get settled (feel free to bring snacks if you would like!)
5:00 p.m. – Welcome by the Chamber, 101 on the evening topic
5:05 p.m. – Small group conversations with conversation starters offered by the Chamber
5:45 p.m. – Group share back and debrief
6:00 p.m. – Adjourn
Please RSVP so we can plan for the conversation and watch for these conversations on the fourth Monday of each month.
*This event was originally scheduled for September 26.
About CIVIC Conversations
The Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce is excited to introduce a civic engagement program specifically designed to expand our shared understanding of issues important to the business community. This ongoing program, dubbed, CIVIC Conversations, will be presented in person on the fourth Monday of each month. Each session will be held in an informal setting at which participants will be introduced to a topic of interest, presented with objective analysis of business implications, and encouraged to share their own perspective and expertise.
As a member-driven organization, the Chamber believes superior outcomes are best achieved when its membership is informed, engaged and heard. We hope you will join us, as your busy schedule allows, in this exciting opportunity to learn from each other while building our collective wisdom for the betterment of our community and our economy.