Election Day is Right Around the Corner

by | Oct 11, 2022 | From the CEO

woman smiling, wearing glasses and a suit

Ann Hutchison


For questions and comments on this blog, please email Ann at [email protected]

Election Day is Right Around the Corner

by | Oct 11, 2022 | From the CEO

We released our final ballot recommendations to our membership in today’s edition of the SmartBrief Weekly (October 11, 2022).

The November 2022 ballot will include 11 state issues and three local issues.  The state issues include three that propose changes to the Colorado Constitution which require a 55% approval rate to become law (denoted as “Amendment”) with the balance of the items proposing changes to state statute which require a simple majority. Six state items have been placed on the ballot via citizen-initiative and five have been referred by the Colorado Legislature.

The three local issues include: Moving the municipal election cycle to November of odd-numbered years; Increasing Council compensation; and Ranked Choice Voting. All three issues would change our City Charter.

The Fort Collins Area Chamber has taken the following positions:

  • Support of Amendment E: Homestead Exemption to Surviving Spouses of US Armed Forces Members and Veterans
  • Oppose Proposition 122:  Natural Medicine Health Act of 2022
  • Support Proposition 123:  State Income Tax Revenue to Fund Housing Projects
  • Oppose Proposition 124:  Retail Liquor Store Licenses
  • Oppose Proposition 125:  Wine Sales in Grocery and Convenience Stores
  • Oppose Proposition 126:  Alcohol Third Party Delivery Services
  • Oppose Ballot Question 2C:  City-Initiated Charter Amendment No. 3 – Ranked Voting


I am incredibly proud of the thoughtful review and consideration that our staff, our Local Legislative Affairs Committee, our Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance and our Board of Directors used in their evaluation of these complex and impactful ballot issues.  We do this work to give our Chamber members a perspective that advocates for the business community and the city’s overall quality of life and to give members insight into the potential impacts of local issues. More than 50 individuals were involved in the review and consideration of these positions.

I encourage voters to take the time to understand the issues (our website and CIVIC Conversation TO GO packet includes context, pros and cons for all of the issues as well as our recommendations).  Please go beyond tv commercials, postcards and radio ads to really understand what the issue is asking voters to approve.  Voting is an important tool to drive community action and I encourage all of our members to use their voice!


Congratulations to The Cupboard on their 50th Anniversary!  The leadership that Carey and Jim Hewitt have provided as local business owners is a wonderful example of building community.  They have created jobs, provided a sense of place for so many locals and visitors and been a voice for excellence and community.  Make sure you take time to stop by their wonderful shop on College Avenue and wish their entire team Happy Anniversary!

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