In keeping with the Colorado Cancer Foundation’s (CCF) 40+ year history of athletic-based charitable giving, this year the 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation is offering a Virtual Run for the Cure amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Where the traditional Eldorado Run for the Cure, begins and ends in Eldorado Canyon State Park outside Boulder, CO, the Virtual Run for the Cure aka The Social Distancing Run, begins and ends wherever you happen to be in quarantine.
This year’s run/jog/walk is based on a four-mile course of your choosing. Of course, you’re welcome to go father, and we encourage you to seek pledges for every mile you travel, raising funds for those that are unable to do so due to their health condition. To help you raise donations, the CCF is partnering with PledgeIt, through which mile-based donations will be routed to those in need.
The CCF is also working with the Marathon Training Academy (MTA), who is generously providing The Social Distancing Run medals at a deep discount to everyone who signs up with the CCF. To register for this exciting event, simply click on the red button below. 66% of your $30 entry fee goes directly to oncology patients, researchers, and clinicians at the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, CO, with the remaining 33% covering the cost of the medal. If you wish to make an additional donation, simply click on the “Donate” button in the navigation menu above. Thank you for your support, and be sure to post your “race results” on our Facebook page.
When: Anytime between now and June 30, 2020
Where: Anywhere you like, e.g., in your neighborhood, on a local track, etc.
Why: Generate funds for cancer patients, researchers, and clinicians at the University of Colorado