Interested in learning more about growth & success, inevitable changes, the year ahead and exiting your business? Join us for one or all of our informational and educational webinars designed to keep our clients, colleagues and friends informed on innovative business and tax strategies.

The tools and resources presented will help businesses and individuals make informed decisions and remain successful and compliant in a competitive marketplace. Stop back to this page to review recorded webinars as they become available.

The coronavirus continues to have an impact on businesses and individuals alike. Check our events listing to join us for one or all of our upcoming COVID-19 business consideration webinars.

February 11: Strategic Growth Strategies for Your Business: Our Business Valuation professionals will discuss how to strategize the growth of your business through financial modeling and other key strategies.

February 16: Key Performance Indicators, Benchmarking & Strategic Growth Strategies: We’ll help you understand key performance indicators, benchmarking for your business and other important metrics that can show you the story behind your financial numbers.

February 24: Finance Team of the Future: How to Use Your Data to Lead and Be More Resilient: To be a successful financial leader in 2021, embracing a data-focused approach to your decision-making and business strategy is key.

Webinars are FREE to attend and offer CPE credit. For more information and to register, visit