Update: November 23, 2020: Due to the impending move to Level Red on the Safer at Home dial, the DDA is pivoting slightly regarding the “Dine Under the Lights” campaign.  The form has been updated to reflect that indoor dining is now unavailable; for those that already submitted their content, this change will be reflected on your listing.

In addition, a question has been added to the form to garner feedback about the number and placement of temporary “Curbside Pickup Only” parking spaces.  We welcome your input as we work to “right-size” the program with the new level of changes being made.

For those who’ve not yet submitted a restaurant feature, please see below for more information and a link to provide your submission.

Dear Downtown Restaurateurs,

You’re invited to participate in a FREE marketing campaign: “Dine Under the Lights”.

The Dine Under the Lights campaign is intended to highlight downtown restaurants by providing your unique appeal along with accurate business information.  This information will also provide options (dine-in/take-out) and links for customers to easily patronize your business.

The goal of the campaign is to provide customers with a comprehensive place that offers multiple avenues to dine-in or take-out in downtown; it will be called out as a featured page on the website from December 4 – February 14.  The campaign will also align with the Downtown Holiday Lights, one marketing component will be to encourage enjoying the magic of the lights with enjoying downtown restaurants.

This information will be featured on the homepage of the website as well as the Create Your Holidays page, and utilizing the campaign in conjunction with other DDA marketing efforts (paid advertising and social media).  Other marketing components include tying in retail (i.e. stopping into your favorite store, pick-up or dine-in Under the Lights!).Staff will share the campaign for promotion with community partners as well.

Note:  Although the lights are on from dusk until dawn, this campaign is not exclusive to restaurants open only at night.

Timeline Details:

  • Content Collection Form closes: Monday, November 30 at 5 pm
  • Promotion Launches: Friday, December 4, 2020
  • Promotion Runs Through: Sunday, February 14, 2021

Promotion Cost:

FREE as a courtesy from the DDA to support the hospitality sector

Click Here to Submit Content