DECA Districts Volunteer Judges NEEDED

Oct 28, 2022 | Member News

We still need volunteers to help judge student role-plays at DECA Districts. Thank you to all of you who have expressed interest already! If you cannot volunteer this year, please consider passing this request along to your colleagues who may be available.

DECA Districts will be held on Tuesday, November 15th at CSU Lory Student Center. Over 400 PSD students will compete in this event. DECA is a nationally recognized business organization preparing students as emerging leaders for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management.

We need judges to arrive by 7:30 am, and most events should end around noon, but some may go later. Lunch will be provided. Judges do not need any prior experience, just a willingness to listen to students present solutions for real-world business case studies. A brief training will be provided by DECA Advisors at the event.

If you are able to volunteer for this event, please fill out the form: HERE