Magician and Mentalist Dan Jaspersen is back at Bas Bleu with STORYMAKER
Fridays: January 13, March 17, and May 19, 2023
Tom Sutherland Stage at Bas Bleu Theatre
What is StoryMaker?
During this live performance we (Daniel + Attendees) will create a set of new stories. Something fresh which has never existed before, and will never be duplicated.
We are StoryMakers. Our guide is a magician, but this will be unlike any magic show you’ve ever seen and you will leave with a new story to tell.
About Daniel Jaspersen
Daniel Jaspersen is many things. He has studied magic for nearly 20 years. He has been a juggler for most of his life. He speaks several languages. He is a husband, parent, and marketing professional. He has lived, worked, and traveled around the world. Dan has hundreds of great stories to tell, but that’s not what this show is about.
Dan is not a storyteller. Dan is a Story Maker.
Tickets: $20/adult; $8/student
More info: HERE