Crafted Leadership Lead by Design is a concentrated three-day leadership development program with skilled support to develop yourself as a leader across all areas of your life.
You’ll learn core concepts and applications of conscious leadership with participants from public, private and social sectors. Upon completion, you’ll have a personalized leadership blueprint; proven tools, practices and resources; and access to a private, virtual Lead by Design group. You’ll also be part of our vibrant conscious leadership community in the Rocky Mountain Region.
Next course is June 12-14th in Estes Park, CO. Details here
Benefits of the course include:
- A proven set of skills to build trust and influence with others
- Improved communication skills
- Greater ease with conflicts, feedback and feelings
- Capability to reduce drama and increase candor
- Insights into your strengths and how to tap into those on your team
Cost: $1,000
We offer scholarships for women of color and those who work with individuals with intellectual or developmentally disabilities.