Most businesspeople don’t structure their lives around government unless their government is a key customer. Even so, if you’re in business, government has a large and growing presence. That goes for all levels of government – local, state and federal.

Colorado state government is prominent in the news this week because of marijuana and the start of the legislative session. Regarding the latter, the Second Regular Session of the 69th Colorado General Assemble officially starts at 10:00 tomorrow morning, January 8th.

It’s an all-Democrat show with the Senate, House and Governor’s Mansion all controlled by Democrats. The differences this session over last, however, are that this is an election year and Democrats only have a one-vote margin in the Senate due to the historic recall of two of their leaders last year for their support of stricter gun laws.

What does all of that mean? Who knows? Until the recalls, Democrats were emboldened to push through their agenda with impunity. Will they have to moderate their approach to keep their caucus together in an election year or will they press on while they still hold all the levers of power? I’m guessing the former, but only time will tell.

During the session, the Chamber’s Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance will be on duty tracking legislation and lobbying on behalf of our region. Expect periodic updates and ‘calls-to-action’ throughout the session, which is scheduled to end on May 7.

For your reading pleasure, here are some articles about the upcoming session:

Workers’ comp reform talks continue, but more questions arise,” Ed Sealover, The Denver Business Journal, December 27th.

2014 legislative preview: Colorado Senate Dems, GOP disagree on whether to restart 2013 debates,” Ed Sealover, The Denver Business Journal, January 2nd.

 “Colorado Senate Democrats: After 2013 gun debate, new rules for hearing bills planned,” Lynn Bartels, The Denver Post, January 2nd.

2014 legislative preview: Colorado House Dems, GOP approach job creation differently,” Ed Sealover, The Denver Business Journal, January 3rd.

2014 legislative preview: 10 business issues at the Colorado statehouse,” by Ed Sealover, The Denver Business Journal, January 3rd.

2014 legislative preview: Here are other Colorado legislators who will be key votes on business bills this year,’ Ed Sealover, The Denver Business Journal, January 3rd.

2014 legislative preview: Sen. Cheri Jahn keeps an eye out for Colorado business,” video interview, The Denver Business Journal, January 3rd.

2014 legislative preview: Colorado lawmakers to face education money issues,” Todd Engdahl, EdNews Colorado, The Denver Business Journal, January 5th.

Colorado legislature opens Wednesday with a floods-and-firearms theme,” Lynn Bartels and Kurtis lee, The Denver Post, January 6th.

House GOP looks to tweak a few issues from last year,’ by Peter Marcus, The Colorado Statesman, January 6th.

Budget will be larger, but that could lead to more contentious discussions,” Peter Marcus, The Colorado Statesman, January 6th.

Businesses brace for workers’ comp bill in 2014 session,” Marianne Goodland, The Colorado Statesman, January 6th.