The City of Fort Collins invites residents and business owners to attend a Lean Basics class. This is a free class offered throughout the year. Upcoming course dates are:
Thursday, May 23rd 9:00am – 4:00pm 1335 W. Elizabeth Street, Unit 145, Fort Collins
To register, please visit and look for “Lean Basics” on the calendar for May 23.
Lean Basics is focused on introducing participants to Lean and continuous improvement. Participation in this class will teach such Lean tools as process mapping, root cause analysis, visual management, and error proofing. Upon completion, graduates can expect to:
- Increase capacity in their job
- Improve customer service
- Reduce errors
Several residents have completed Lean Basics offered at the City of Fort Collins. Nick Fahey, Process Improvement Projects Manager for CBW Automation had this to say after the class:
“The Lean Basics Class provided by FC Lean was very helpful for our organization by supplying us with some simple and valuable tools to help us look at some of our complex problems in a different way. The class was informative, and Matt and Kirsten did a great job in keeping the class engaging and fun. I would recommend the class to any organization that is curious about Lean, and is interested in beginning their own lean journey.”
Instructors for the class are Kirsten Silveira and Roland Guerrero. They can be reached by email at [email protected].