Building a Culture of Feedback

by | Dec 31, 2024 | From the CEO

woman smiling, wearing glasses and a suit

Ann Hutchison


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Building a Culture of Feedback

by | Dec 31, 2024 | From the CEO

As a leader dedicated to constant learning and growing my skill set, I follow Galen Emanuele the President of Shift Yes, author of #CultureDrop, keynote speaker, and founder of Pass the Hat. He creates some pretty amazing content that is quickly digested with the promise of only 5 minutes a week via video!

One of my favorite tidbits from Galen is around the concept of Building a Culture of Feedback. You can catch his 3 minute video here: The big takeaways for me and our organization is the idea that “External feedback is your fast-track to growth.”

As an organization that is cultivating a culture of feedback, we are highly focused on listening to member and community feedback and having the strength to activate around change that makes us better. We spend time polling our community and our members, listening to them and asking for insights and opportunities for improvement that we might miss.

As Galen notes, “It’s a requirement for personal and professional growth. It must be sought out, welcome, and seen as way to highlight your blind spots and opportunities to improve. You have to have the courage to hear the things that are hard to hear, you won’t discover them all on your own.”

This blog is an open invitation to you, our community, to help us grow as an organization and as individuals. We are in the business of building community and don’t do that alone.  And we don’t always do it perfectly.  Join us in building a culture of feedback as we look to an exciting 2025.  Reach out to me if you have any thoughts that can make our events, our priority work or our organization stronger and more effective.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

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