BKD releases annual integrated, quality reports for 2021

Jan 28, 2022 | Member News

NATIONAL OFFICE – The 2021 BKD Integrated Report—an annual record that provides transparency on BKD CPAs & Advisors’ quality, people, service, growth innovations and community initiatives—is now available.

The Integrated Report focuses on three key areas: service to clients, career opportunities and sound business standards. It highlights the firm’s audit and assurance, tax and consulting services and its focus on investments in areas such as product innovation, cybersecurity and newly launched service lines such as ESG (environmental, social and governance). It also details BKD’s commitment to mentorship, career mobility and steadfast succession planning, as well as more than $3.5 million in charitable contributions to support local communities through the BKD Foundation.

Alongside the Integrated Report, BKD also has issued its 2021 Annual Quality Report: “The Importance of Quality: Our Commitment to Integrity & Excellence.” The report focuses on matters unique to the core audit and attest practice and the firm’s commitment to integrity. Read together, these documents illustrate how specific efforts in quality management combined with broad cultural commitments and initiatives help orient BKD as one of the country’s top client service firms.

In his introduction to the report, CEO Tom Watson credits BKD’s continued success during challenging times to a culture of courage and optimism.

“After difficult years, it’s not uncommon for some organizations to experience ‘mission drift,’” Watson said, “but BKD’s collective character resulted in just the opposite as we heightened our focus on our mission and living out our vision. An optimistic mindset supported by the confidence in our strong culture means that opportunity is abundant for everyone at BKD.”

BKD’s mission is to always strive for excellence in providing services to clients, create rewarding career opportunities and maintain sound professional, business and financial standards. As the firm prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversary starting later this year, clients can expect continued investments in relevant services, innovative products and dedicated personnel.

Both the 2021 Integrated Report and the 2021 Quality Report can be downloaded online.


About BKD

BKD CPAs & Advisors wants to earn your trust. If you’re looking for solid tax, audit or consulting advice—or a blend of it all—our expertise can help simplify your life. Our approximately 3,030 dedicated professionals provide solutions for clients in all 50 states and internationally, combining the insight and ideas of thought leaders in multiple industries. Everyone needs a trusted advisor. Who’s yours?  Learn more at bkd.com.